Explore Georgia has a highly-engaged and loyal social media following across our social platforms. On Instagram, @ExploreGeorgia is the seventh most followed state DMO account in the U.S. Each quarter, social metrics continue to exceed growth and engagement industry benchmarks. Reach our audience of inspired travelers with your content, drive traffic to your site, and influence visitation to your destination, attraction, or event.

Explore Georgia's Social Media Follow Graphic

Social Media Sponsored Post

Showcase your destination and increase awareness through sponsored posts. 

Pricing: All costs include the development and production of (in conjunction with Miles Partnership and Explore Georgia) partner social content.

  • Combo buy, including Facebook in-feed + Instagram grid: $1,000 
  • Individual post, Facebook in-feed OR Instagram grid post OR Instagram story: $650 


  • Two (2x) partner-sponsored social media posts are available each month
  • Participation is limited to one time per quarter per partner 
  • Neither consecutive-month post nor multiple posts in one month purchases are allowed

For more information, contact: Carly Stedman Norosky - Travel Media & Marketing Executive Carly.Stedman@MilesPartnership.com, (202) 681-8169 or your Explore Georgia Regional Marketing Manager.

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