External Partner Opportunities & Resources

Explore Georgia is grateful for our tourism partners statewide, and whenever possible, we try to provide opportunities directly through our organization. However, not all your needs are covered under the state DMO’s responsibilities. When this occurs, we recommend you connect with the organizations listed below for additional resources.

The Association of National Advertisers

The Association of National Advertisers(ANA) is the U.S. advertising industry’s oldest and largest trade association. Representing more than 20,000 influential brands, they help their members become more effective marketers, build stronger brands, and drive industry and societal change. They also empower marketing teams to become high performers through their proprietary intellectual capital, including insights, events, and professional development programs. 

ANA is a cost-effective resource for best-in-class and bespoke marketing intelligence. 

To learn more about ANA membership and its benefits, please contact ANA’s Membership Team.

Georgia Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus

The Georgia Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus (GACVB) is an organization comprised of 100+ diverse tourism bureaus, also known as, destination marketing organizations (DMOs) and ally industry affiliates (corporate partners) throughout the state of Georgia who provide services and support to the DMO community. Its mission is to be the unified voice of Georgia’s destination marketing organizations and provide industry education, advocacy, and professional development opportunities to members.

GACVB is your go-to resource for continuing education opportunities - including scholarships - and tourism advocacy.

For more information, please contact Amanda Dyson-Thornton, Amanda@GACVB.com or (404)547-1670.

Georgia Department of Community Affairs

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is a state agency that helps build strong, vibrant communities. They provide support to communities on their journey towards growth and prosperity, helping lay the groundwork for economic opportunities and local development efforts across the state. Their core businesses – safe and affordable housing, local government assistance, and community and economic development – reflect the diversity of their programs and drive their commitment to serving all of Georgia. Hundreds of millions of dollars are distributed annually through grants, tax credits, loans, and other resources used to support a variety of mission-driven initiatives from affordable housing to historic preservation to infrastructure enhancements. 

DCA is your key resource for hotel/motel tax data and questions. Please contact Jackson Lilly, Jackson.Lilly@dsc.ga.gov.

Georgia Tourism Development Act

The Georgia Tourism Development Act (GTDA) allows certain companies that build new tourism attraction projects within the state to rebate a portion of their sales tax revenues for 10 years. To be eligible for consideration, projects must:

  • Construct a qualifying tourism attraction project that costs a minimum of $1 million; 
  • Attract at least 20% of its visitors from out-of-state following its third year; and 
  • Contribute to a significant and positive economic impact on the state considering, among other factors, the extent to which the tourism attraction project will compete directly with tourism attractions in this state. 

For more information, please visit the GTDA website or contact Cherie Bennett, cherie.bennett@dca.ga.gov.

Southeast Tourism Society

Southeast Tourism Society (STS) is dedicated to improving the economic vitality of the Southeast by uniting all segments of the Travel and Tourism Industry; promoting tourism within our member states, fostering cooperation, sharing resources, and providing continuing education. Anyone in the tourism industry - CVB, DMO, Attraction, Hotelier, Service Provider, or Individual - is welcome to join STS. 

For more information, please visit STS’s website or contact Monica Smith, monica@southeasttourism.org.

University of Georgia HOST Research Initiative

The primary goal of the UGA HOST Research Initiative is to provide comprehensive hospitality and tourism research support that will enhance and enrich the ongoing community public engagement efforts.

Partners who seek custom travel and tourism research can partner with HOST Initiative Affiliate organizations, including: the Agricultural and Applied Economics (AAEC), Hospitality and Food Industry Management (HFIM), Parks, Recreation, and Tourism (PRTM), and Landscape Architecture (LAND) programs; Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant; the Office of Public Service and Outreach; Cooperative Extension; and the Center of Agribusiness and Economic Development.

Please contact John Salazar, jsalazar@uga.edu, to find out more about HOST’s specific offerings.

U.S. Travel Association

U.S. Travel Association (USTA) is the national, non-profit organization representing all components of the U.S. travel industry—a key contributor to America’s economic success. Its mission is to increase travel to and within the United States, and in doing so, fuel our nation’s economy and future growth. As the united voice of the industry, U.S. Travel prioritizes high-impact issues that matter most to its collective membership. They not only identify the industry’s biggest opportunities and challenges, but also develop the messages and actions to establish travel as essential, propel the industry forward and create positive economic growth.

With unique capabilities, U.S. Travel advocates for the whole of the industry to favorably shape the travel experience. They engage their members with the tools, research and resources needed to influence change at the national, state and local levels. 

Please visit the USTA’s website to learn more about membership benefits and becoming a member. 

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